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2023 FRD 1 - Flowchart of leagues and stages with equal distance top seeding

See also TCEC FRD rules.

Explanation of typography

Explanation of special typography:

  • underlined means possible invite
  • italics - invited for this particular event
  • bold - contact has been sought or established with, the author(s)
  • bold italics - engine and/or update received.
  • struck through - declined or not participating

Participating engines

provisional list including seeding numbers 1-8 for fixed seeding:

  1. Stockfish - update at deadline: dev-20231107-80b0e375 -> dev-20231116-7970236e
  2. LCZero - reminder sent day of deadline -> LCZero 0.31-dag-a487796-BT3-2860000 submitted: LCZero 0.31-dag-e429eeb-BT3-2790000 -> 0.31-dag-a487796-BT3-2860000
  3. KomodoDragon - likely updated to 3.3 -> ultimate version 3.3 submitted: 3.2 -> 3.3
  4. Ethereal - version 14.25 and FRC net AD09A846 submitted per discord: Ethereal 14.24 -> 14.25
  5. Stoofvlees - reminder sent day of deadline - version II b5 is still current
  6. RubiChess - minor update announced -> RubiChess 20231105 submitted: RubiChess 20230823 -> 20231105
  7. Revenge - development version Revenge_TCEC submitted: 20230815 -> 20231112
  8. Berserk - major update announced - updated settings submitted -> Berserk 20231118 submitted: 20230311 -> 20231118
  9. rofChade - latest version 3.1 submitted: 3.033 -> 3.1
  10. Minic - version 3.39 submitted: Minic 3.38 -> 3.39
  11. SlowChess - reminder sent day of deadline NO REPLY
  12. Velvet - reminder sent day of deadline NO REPLY
  13. ScorpioNN - reminder sent day of deadline - update: reverted back to better version with 20b net: ->
  14. Marvin - update to version 6.3.0-3 submitted: Marvin 6.2.0 -> 6.3.0-3
  15. BlackMarlin - reminder sent day of deadline -> no update, existing last version will play
  16. Smallbrain - update per normal procedure announced: Smallbrain dev-20230729-d652eff -> dev-20230910-3e0fea9
  17. Wasp - new version promised -> Wasp 6.62 submitted: 6.58 -> 6.62
  18. Weiss - update to be done per discord: Weiss 2.1-dev7 -> 2.1-dev8
  19. Winter - reminder sent day of deadline -> no update, existing last version will play
  20. Stash - reminder sent day of deadline -> update per normal script submitted: Stash 34.23 -> 35.3
  21. Equisetum - update announced -> version s_4.0.6c.NN_variegatum.a submitted
  22. Halogen - reminder sent day of deadline NO REPLY
  23. Viridithas - newly updated version submitted: Viridithas 11.0.0-dev2 -> 12.0.0-dev -> crashed once, fix received: 12.0.0-dev2
  24. Caissa - version 1.13.15 -> 1.14 -> 1.14.1 submitted: 1.11.15 -> 1.14.1
  25. Clover - update announced to be done per discord -> new version submitted: Clover 6.0.7 -> 6.0.26
  26. DeepSjeng - reminder sent day of deadline - update announced -> DeepSjeng 36a29 submitted: 3.6 a24 -> 3.6 a29
  27. Nemorino - reminder sent day of deadline - acc to dev engine version 6.11 is EOL will no longer be maintained or updated
  28. Vajolet2 -> existing engine will replace the one not playing

Engines not playing

  1. Bagatur - reminder sent day of deadline - no update and prefers to skip the event this time
  2. ...


FRD 1 submission deadline was: November 19 2023 at 12.00 UTC

Start time

  1. Leagues A started 23 November 2023 at 17.00 UTC
  2. Leagues B started 26 November 2023 at 02.00 UTC
  3. Leagues C started 29 November 2023 at 10:19 UTC
  4. Leagues D started 2 December 2023 at 21.17 UTC
  5. Semileagues 1 started...
  6. Semileagues 2 started...
  7. Final League started...
  8. Final started...


The first 8 in the list of participating engines are fixed seedings, the rest have been seeded randomly over the remaining places.

The Leagues in detail

First phase

League A

  1. Stockfish
  2. Stoofvlees
  3. Caissa
  4. DeepSjeng
  5. BlackMarlin
  6. Weiss
  7. Nemorino

League B

  1. KomodoDragon
  2. Revenge
  3. Equisetum
  4. rofChade
  5. ScorpioNN
  6. Winter
  7. Vajolet2

League C

  1. LCZero
  2. RubiChess
  3. Marvin
  4. Halogen
  5. Viridithas
  6. SlowChess
  7. Minic
  • [ Final standings] in archive.

League D

  1. Ethereal
  2. Berserk
  3. Stash
  4. Clover
  5. Velvet
  6. Smallbrain
  7. Wasp
  • [ Final standings] in archive.

Second phase

Semileague 1

  1. Stockfish
  2. KomodoDragon
  3. RubiChess
  4. Ethereal
  5. DeepSjeng
  6. rofChade
  • [ Final standings] in archive.

Semileague 2

  1. LCZero
  2. Berserk
  3. Caissa
  4. Revenge
  5. Viridithas
  6. Clover
  • [ Final standings] in archive.

Third phase

Final League

  1. Stockfish
  2. KomodoDragon
  3. Etheral
  4. ..
  5. ..
  6. ..
  • [ Final standings] in archive.

FRC Final

  1. ...
  2. ...
  • [ Final standings] in archive.





  1. Nevermind who will win FRD 1. Who do you WANT to win FRD 1?(Closed)
  2. Which 12 (3x4) will advance from the FRC Leaugues to the DFRC Semileagues?(Closed)
  3. Which six (3x2) will promote to the Final League?(Closed)

Whales & Heroes


RobbyRobbyRob (x3) 🏆 Dubslow ⭐ Semileague 1 G11

