1day/move 2022-04

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Revision as of 15:47, 17 March 2024 by Aloril (talk | contribs) (Stockfish black move 23 in game 1, white move 23 and LCZero search results in both games)
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Note latest moves in archive are not necessarily yet official unless this page says so.
Game 1: LCZero - Stockfish
Move by LCZero in game 1 is 24. Ra2 unless overridden by team ~1 day before S26 DFR, current position: 1q4k1/R1p1n2p/2Pp1br1/3Pp3/1r2PpP1/2N5/6PP/2BQ1RK1 w - - 1 24

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Position after Game 1: 23.. Qb8

Game 2: Stockfish - LCZero
Move by LCZero in game 2 is 23.. Qe7 unless overridden by team ~1 day before S26 DFR, current position: r1bqnbk1/p1p5/PpPp2nr/1N1Pp1p1/1P2PpP1/3Q3P/4BN2/R1B2RK1 b - - 4 23

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Position after Game 2: 23. Qd3

Playout of opening variations selected by nathan (1-4) and the coal (5-6), link to the 1st game
Playout of opening variations selected by Stockfish/N 22.5/quackquackblah/Aloril42 (1-2), vizvezdenec/nathan (3-4) and twenty_two_and_a_half (5-6), link to the 1st game

White move 24:
LCZero: PV Log

Black move 23:
Stockfish: Qb8 PV Log
LCZero: PV Log

White move 23:
Stockfish: Qd3 PV Log
LCZero Rxa7: PV Log

Black move 22:
Stockfish Bf6: PV Log
LCZero Ne8: PV Log

White move 22:
LCZero fxg4: PV Log
Stockfish Nb5: PV Log

Black move 21:
Stockfish Nxg4: PV Log
LCZero Bf8: PV Log

White move 21:
LCZero Nxg4: PV Log
Stockfish h3: PV Log

Black move 20:
Stockfish Qxc8: PV Log
LCZero Ng6: PV Log

White move 20:
Stockfish Nf2: PV Log
LCZero Bxc8: PV Log

Black move 19:
Stockfish: g4 PV Log
LCZero: Rh6 PV Log

White move 19:
LCZero: Bxa6 PV Log
Stockfish: fxg4 PV Log

Black move 18:
Stockfish: Rxb4 PV Log
LCZero: hxg4 PV Log

White move 18:
LCZero: c6 PV Log
Stockfish: c6 PV Log

Black move 17:
Stockfish: Rb8 PV Log
LCZero: h5 PV Log

White move 17:
Stockfish: g4 PV Log
LCZero: Nf2: PVs Log

Black move 16:
Stockfish: bxa6: PV Log, 1st part same as 16w log
LCZero: b6: PVs Log

White move 16. a6:
Stockfish: PV Log
LCZero: previous search had 99.3% for 16. a6, team elected to play it without search.

Black move 15.. Nf6:
Stockfish: PV Log
LCZero: PVs Log

White move 15. a5:
Stockfish: PV Log
LCZero: PVs Log

Black move 14.. Rg6:
Stockfish: PV Log
LCZero: PVs Log

White move 14. a4:
Stockfish: PV Log
LCZero: PVs Log

Past games: Sufi21 game 91 Sufi21 game 92